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Terms with an * are defined at the bottom



(1) The Partner is the person or entity identified in the Partner Pages* intending to sell Products* to the Move Technologies Customers*;

(2) Move Technologies Group Ltd incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company number 13904894, whose registered office is at 11 Laura Place, Bath, Somerset, England BA2 4BL and trading as Move, MoveGB, MoveUSA, MoveTech



(A) Move Technologies owns and operates the Website* through which Move Technologies Customers may purchase MoveCredits* to be redeemed against Products* offered by third party traders via the Website

(B) The Partner enters this agreement to list Products on the Website and to sell Products to Move Technologies Customers for payment in MoveCredits. In return the Partner shall receive a Wholesale Price* from Move Technologies.

Partner Terms and Conditions


1.1 Use the 'Check-in' feature found in the Partner Pages to confirm a Move Technologies Customer's attendance before 23:59pm on the day of attendance, or use the 'Late Check-in' feature to confirm the attendance before the conclusion of the month of attendance

1.2 Where a Move Technologies Customer has not attended their booking, the Partner can receive payment by processing a 'Non-attendance' or 'Late Cancellation' fee through the Partner Pages, this must be completed before the conclusion of the month of attendance

1.3 Ensure activity listings on Move are updated within 24 hours of any changes made to the Direct* schedule

1.4 Ensure bookings from Move Technologies Customer's are approved within 12 hours, or before the requested class commences if the booking is requested on the same day by the Move Technologies Customer

1.5 The partnership contract commences with a 3 month trial period, which renews annually following the initial 3 months - see 3.5 for the conditions of termination


2.       PAYMENT

2.1 Payment is approved for attendances which have been confirmed using the Check-in feature found in the Partner Pages, as described in 1.1

2.2 Payment is received by bank transfer within 14 days of withdrawing your balance via the Partner Pages, payments over £500 are transferred automatically in monthly arrears

2.3 The Partner receives a Wholesale Price as payment in exchange for MoveCredits, as described in (B)

2.4 The Partner may propose a variation to any of their Products or Wholesale Prices at any time during the term of this agreement by contacting the Move Team*

2.5 A payment processing fee of 2.9% of the overall revenue + 30p per sale is deducted from the Wholesale Price


3.        LOGISTICAL

3.1 The Partner must supply any confirmation of tax registration status, and if applicable, relevant tax number to Move Technologies. The Partner will update Move Technologies should the status outlined in 3.1 change in the future

3.2 The Partner is responsible for completing tax remittance to applicable tax authorities for any sales tax owed from payments received by Move Technologies

3.3 The Partner must hold sufficient, current and valid insurance to promote Products on the Move Technologies platform

3.4 The Partner provides Move Technologies with a licence to use their logo, class descriptions, images and videos located the Direct website or public sharing platforms for the purposes of promoting Products on the Move Technologies platform and other media

3.5 In order to terminate this agreement, the partner must provide written notice at least 30 days prior to the renewal date of the current contract in order to terminate at the conclusion of the contractual period

3.6 Shared Personal Data* processed by the Partner for the duration of this agreement may be retained by the Partner for a period of 6 months after this agreement has been terminated

3.7 Shared personal data can only be used by the Partner for the provision of Products to Move Technologies Customers in adherence with both Data Protection Legislation and the Partner's legal obligations.

3.8 Always contact the Move Team with any enquiries in the first instance, do not disclose internal details of this partnership agreement, including the Wholesale Price, to any person or entity outside of the parties listed in (1) and (2)

3.9 The Partner shall not use the Check-in feature to validate attendances for themselves or their employees in the Partner Pages

3.10 Move Technologies can vary this agreement after giving 60 days written notice to the Partner. In the event of such a variation, the Partner is deemed to have accepted all variations unless they notify Move Technologies to the contrary within the Variation Notice Period

3.11 If any dispute arises in connection with this agreement, the Partner and Move Technologies shall, within 21 days of a written request from one party to the other, attempt in good faith to resolve the dispute via the telephone

3.12 This agreement has been entered into by the Partner online as logged in Move Technologies system



The definition of terms used above to be applied within this agreement.


Data Protection Legislation

(i) unless and until the GDPR is no longer directly applicable in the UK, the General Data Protection Regulation ((EU) 2016/679), the Data Protection Act 2018 and any national implementing laws, regulations and secondary legislation, as amended or updated from time to time, in the UK and then (ii) any successor legislation to the GDPR or the Data Protection Act 2018

Move Technologies Customer

the person the Partner may contract with for the sale of Products in exchange for MoveCredits


any information, customers, scheduling, website or public sharing platforms which are held by the Partner outside of the agreement with Move Technologies


the electronic credits issued by Move Technologies to Move Technologies Customers

Partner Pages

the pages in the Website that contain information including, but not limited to, the Partner/Venue Partner business name, Tax details, banking details, set up fees, Booking Periods as well as pages for the creation of activities and Products which list times and Wholesale price

Move Team

the individuals responsible for providing enquiry support to Move Technology partners and customers, contactable on partnersupport@movegb.com / 0345 519 6626


the goods and / or services provided by the Partner and listed in the Partner Pages

Shared Personal Data

Personal Data received by the receiving party from or on behalf of the disclosing party, or otherwise made available by the disclosing party under this agreement


www.move.cc, www.movegb.com, go.movegb.com, go.move.cc or such other website or smart phone application as may be operated by Move Technologies 

Wholesale Price

the price payable by Move Technologies to the Partner in respect of Products sold to Move Technologies Customers, as marked as 'checked-in' within the Partner Pages